Entries by Anke Bebber

Phenology: Late Autumn – Preparing for Winter

Leaf surfaces play a crucial role in plant biology, facilitating the evaporation of water absorbed through roots. The shedding of leaves in autumn prevents them from drying out when frost freezes the water in the soil. Late autumn marks the final phenological season before the period of dormancy, signaled by the changing color of English […]

Adopting Flora Incognita Plant Observations for Phenology Monitoring

Importance of Phenology A new paper, published by the Flora Incognita Research Group, shows that the plant observations collected via Flora Incognita can support phenological monitoring initiatives. Why is that important? Observing plant phenology helps scientists to understand how climate change affects plants, for example. If flowering periods shift due to changing climatic conditions, this […]

The Autumn Crocus

The article discusses the autumn crocus, also known as Colchicum autumnale, which belongs to the Colchicaceae family. There are about 100 species in this family, and the autumn crocus is the most well-known member. It blooms with light-violet flowers in late summer to autumn, adding a last touch of color to our meadows. Despite their […]

Phenology: Full Autumn

A glance into nature reveals ripe dogwood cherries lying on the ground, and autumn crocuses have faded away. A new phenological season begins: Full Autumn. Perhaps it will bring us a “Golden October” with many warm days, but weather is not an indicator of phenology. Phenology observes the annual developmental cycle of plants, and thus, […]

The Medicinal Plant of the Year 2023: The Grapevine

Sun-Loving Climbing Plant In viticulture, several hundred grapevine varieties are cultivated. They all belong to Vitis vinifera, the grapevine. There are eight to ten thousand varieties of it, and what they all have in common is their tendency to seek support with tendrils and extend their roots deep into the soil to draw water from […]

Phenology: Early Autumn – Warm Days, Cool Nights

The dog days are over, marking the end of the warmest time of the year. Now, we find ourselves at the beginning of a new phenological season: early autumn. Phenological seasons are characterized by specific developmental stages of certain indicator plants, including flowering, leaf unfolding, fruit ripening, autumn leaf coloration, and leaf fall. The early […]

The Tree of the Year 2023: The Bog Birch (or Downy Birch)

Birches in Central Europe In Central Europe, there are four native species of birch. Three of them prefer moorland habitats: the dwarf birch (Betula nana), the shrub birch (Betula humilis), and the bog birch (Betula pubescens), also known as downy birch. The fourth species, the silver birch (Betula pendula), in contrast to its sisters, is […]

Phenology: Late Summer – Harvest Season Begins

Every year, a clear chronological sequence of events such as the beginning of flowering, fruit ripening, or leaf coloring of specific plant species repeats itself. Thoroughly documented, phenology provides important data on the changes in regional climate – benefiting, for example, farmers who can adjust their tasks like sowing and harvesting according to the corresponding […]

Plants Alongside and Inside Rivers

Flowing waters constitute a significant ecological habitat. Plants residing here are adapted to the year-round influence of freshwater. The quality of flowing water, the diversity of currents, and the dynamics of water levels profoundly shape the ecosystem. The richer the habitat, the greater the variety of plants and animals it supports. By the Water’s Edge […]