
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Der Präsident
Ehrenbergstrasse 29
98693 Ilmenau


Tel.: +49 3677 69-0
Fax: +49 3677 69-1701

The TU Ilmenau is a public corporation. It is legally represented by the president, Prof. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler.

VAT identification-No. after § 27 a UStG: DE 195 822 483

Regulatory agency

Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft Max-Reger-Str. 4-8 99096 Erfurt

Further information and contact persons for questions and suggestions can be found on the Internet at the Technische Universität Ilmenau is not liable for incorrect information, transmission errors, technical availability or consequential damages of any kind. All information without guarantee.

Privacy policy

We are aware of how important the careful handling of your personal data is. We are pleased about your use of the apps “Flora Incognita” and “Flora Capture” and would like to show you transparently if and when your personal data is collected, processed and used. We ensure that we comply fully with data protection regulations at all times.

1. Data collection and processing

All data collection and use is carried out for the purpose of making a scientific contribution to the “Flora Incognita” project. Which data is collected and to what extent can result from technical necessities or explicit user requests. This will be explained in more detail below.

1.1 Which data are collected?

When using this app, the following data are collected and stored on the project server (location project server: Campus of TU Ilmenau/Ilmenau/Germany):

  • User name and password within the scope of registration
  • Observation details
  • Recorded images
  • Meta data (EXIF) of the images according to the end device (recording coordinates, recording time, recording parameters, type of end device)
  • Identification of the user (user name) during transmission as registered user or randomly generated user ID (during transmission as guest)
  • IP address of the terminal device during transmission
  • Device type/device model and operating system version
  • When the app is started, the species list and statistics are synchronized with the observations made so far. The IP address of the terminal device is stored in the log data of the server.

1.2 Collection of own location data

In order to determine the species as accurately as possible, we need access to the location of your device. When creating the plant images, we collect your current location via GPS with your consent in order to obtain information about the location of the plant. The transmission takes place only if you grant the appropriate authorizations. Data on your location will only be used to create a new plant observation. The transmission of your location data takes place via an encrypted connection. Your location data will be anonymized after synchronizing the images and statistically evaluated for our scientific work. Location data of your plant observations are very important for our scientific work. This is the only way to document distribution patterns and flowering periods. With your plant observations you make a decisive contribution to science and nature conservation.

Depending on the operating system, your consent can be obtained after downloading the app or by a dialogue during the runtime of the app. You can deactivate access to the location data in the device settings. You can read the data protection declaration at any time in the menu item “Imprint & data protection declaration”.

1.3 How do we use the information we collect?

At the start of the app, the species list and statistics are synchronized with the observations made so far. In the long run, the data will be anonymized and transferred to a data set which we may want to make freely available for research purposes and nature conservation authorities in the long run.

We have the possibility to send you information by e-mail in order to inform you about project specific news. You can unsubscribe at any time without any problems, which does not affect further use of the apps.

2. Responsibilities and rights of data subjects

2.1 Responsible office and contact

TU Ilmenau is responsible for collecting and using your data. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or criticism regarding the app, please contact

For questions and suggestions regarding data protection, you can send an e-mail to:

2.2 Rights of data subjects

  • You can request information about which data are stored about you.
  • You can request correction, deletion and blocking if there is a legal basis for it.
  • If you have set up a customer account, you can have it deleted.
  • To exercise your rights, simply send a letter by post to

Prof. Dr. Patrick Mäder Technical University Ilmenau P.O. Box 100565 98684 Ilmenau, Germany or email to

2.3 Encryption

To protect the data in your user account, the connection to the user account is always encrypted. Since the confidentiality of the information transmitted during transmission is not guaranteed when you contact us by e-mail, we recommend that you send confidential information only by letter.

2.4 Disclosure of data

We do not pass on any personal data to third parties. If we use subcontractors, they will be contractually bound by us and obliged to comply with data protection regulations. We will only transmit personal data if we have expressly informed you beforehand and you have given us your consent. In the long term, the data will be anonymised and transferred to a data set which we may wish to make freely available for research purposes and nature conservation authorities.

3. Information on the use of the plants

The information on the use of plants for medicinal or culinary purposes is partly taken over from the sources given without verification. An automatic determination is no encouragement, permission or suggestion to continue using the plant. Please inform yourself in more detail if you intend to do so.

4. Project partner and funding

The Flora Incognita apps are a common effort of the Technical University Ilmenau and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena. Their development was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety as well as the Thuringian Ministry for Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation and the Thuringia Nature Conservation Foundation. The project was recognized as an official project of the “UN Decade of Biodiversity”.

The app is currently available in 18 languages. We ourselves are not that eloquent, so we would like to express our gratitude to the numerous translators at this point. We thank A. Bebber (English), J. Pacheco and L. M. Estupinan-Suarez (Spanish), C. Sacher and S. Vautelin (French), D. Martini and M. Migliavacca (Italian), M. Chen (Chinese), M. Todorova Tomova (Bulgarian), J. Pärtel (Estonian), M. Schulz and B. Färber (Norwegian), D. Florea (Romanian), R. Styszyski (Polish), A. J. Kunnari (Finnish), M. Pallaandt (Dutch), M. Franze (Swedish), P. Dérer (Hungarian), V. Ishchuk (Ukrainian), G. Matthies (Russian) and J. Kubi­k (Czech).